Last modified on 11 June 2015, at 02:01

Multiverse Titan

Revision as of 02:01, 11 June 2015 by Heath (Talk | contribs)

First Referenced:

The Fountain of Youth

A Multiverse Titan is an entity that lives outside normal space-time, in dimensions where universes can be described as individual bubbles. This space between universes is described as an ocean by the Titan that Ward Shaw (The Sword) connects to inadvertently while its Regeneration Core prepares to emerge and trigger a regrowth of the Titan's full self.

The Multiverse Titan's kind are thought to be extinct, utterly destroyed by the apparently random wild flailing of The Mad God, which also damaged the Outer Shield of human space through a glancing blow, and completely destroyed the Yngtak home universe, along with many others through direct impact.

Traits: Organic in some form, and extremely large, taking the equivalent physical space of several universes in the multiverse. Conscious and caring, to an extent. Capable of compressing their being and memories down to a single dendrite or neuron, which while massive in its own right is capable of rebuilding the entire organism when sufficient biomass and life energy is available.