
Multiverse Titan

104 bytes added, 08:35, 11 March 2017
A Multiverse Titan is an entity that lives outside normal space-time, in dimensions where universes can be described as individual bubbles. This space between universes is described as an ocean by the Titan that [[Ward Shaw (The Sword)]] connects to inadvertently while its [[Regeneration Core]] prepares to emerge and trigger a regrowth of the Titan's full self.
The Multiverse Titan's kind are thought to be extinct, utterly destroyed by the apparently random wild flailing of [[The Mad GodDevastation]], which also damaged the [[Outer Shield]] of human space through a glancing blow, and was thought to have completely destroyed the [[Yngtak]] home universe, along with many others . [[The Devastation]] is known to have utterly destroyed a vast tract of realities within the multiverse through direct impact.