
Chronology of Events - Brownshirts

502 bytes added, 08:06, 28 February 2016
Existence as energy beings
Encounter between [[The Wanderer]] and envoys of [[Her Glory]]
Alliance with [[Her Glory]] and [[The First World]] established.
Creation of the [[Inner Shield]], [[Outer Shield]] and [[Branch World]]s while allied with [[The First World]], through self sacrifice to give the shield a form of permanence.
Descent to physical form in preparation for fleeing Von Neumann machines consuming home universe.
Rescue of surviving [[Brownshirt]]s from [[Teskoy Prison]] by [[Danny]] and the others in a rescue party which included [[Conn Thompson]].
Capture of surviving [[Brownshirt]]s by [[The Black-eyed Army]]
Movement of captive [[Brownshirt]]s by [[The Black-eyed Army]] to a new location, believed to be enroute to a Shield generator.