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Chronology of Events - The Black-eyed Army

534 bytes added, 06:55, 16 July 2015
Encounter with the [[Shadow Sphere]] within [[The Ink]] on [[Earth 44] by military personnel of [[Command]]
Creation of [[The Black-eyed Army]] through traversal via the [[Shadow Sphere]] to different realities. [[The Sword]] was also affected by change, but was in part preserved through the presence of the [[Purple bio-stone]] which kept [[Cristina Thompson]] in control of his actions.The [[Purple bio-stone]] also allowed [[The Black-eyed Army]] to escape the entities that were torturing them. Arrival on blood and bone reality. Arrival of [[Shadow Sphere]], triggered by rational thought of [[The Black-eyed Army]] Departure from blood and bone reality. Travel through multiple realities via the [[Shadow Sphere]]. Return to human occupied space near the [[Outer Shield]]. Collection of weapons, technology and exotic creatures determined to be useful and no longer a threat to their darkness-enhanced state. Kidnap and control of individuals with useful abilities. Loss of [[Ward Shaw (The Sword)]] to capture by [[The First World]]
Committed multiple atrocities across human occupied universes in order to acquire additional anomalous weapons and biotics.
== Later Activities ==