First appearing in The House Beyond The Edge, the currently unnamed Author is the primary protagonist of many of the stories in the Multiverse series. Often working with his friends [[Chris]] and [[CaitlanCaitlin]], the Author has encountered a variety of supernatural phenomenon and entities.
Exact timelines remain unknown, and are further confused by the presence of a duplicate of the Author, which was created during the events of 'The Right Turn'. Also duplicated in this event are [[Chris]] and [[CaitlanCaitlin]] when they all entered the [[Quantum Duplication Rift/cleft]], however the status of these duplicates remains unknown.
At some point during the events of 'The Back Paths', the Author and a friend called [[Mike]] entered a pocket universe linking to multiple separate universes, including one infected by [[GLORWOC]]. This appears to have taken place prior to the duplication event in 'The Right Turn', as both copies have recollections of the events.